now booking 2025 weddings

Just a dusting of snow…

Children sledding in the snow

The weather forecasters knew it was a difficult snowstorm to accurately predict, they said it themselves.  A giant snow storm swept from Maine all the way down to Texas, moving briskly from West to East dumping snow, ice, and sleet in every place it touched – while maintaining below freezing temperatures. The conditions in North Carolina were ripe for a good snowfall.  

Snow covered bench and trees

But what had been originally forecasted for only a dusting of snow during the morning hours of Wednesday, turned into 7 inches of fresh powder across 16 hours.  Our area officially closed down for 2 days.  As many people know, it takes only less than an inch of snow in this Southern state to shut everything down.

My fiancé and I decided to venture out in our 4-wheel drive Volvo during the height of the snowfall, to enjoy the snowy sights of Downtown Winston-Salem and to take a couple of snow photos.  

Snow covered Volvo XC60 in streetMan walking dog in snow

We ventured to Innovation Quarter, Long Branch Trail bridge, Liberty Street, the Artivity Park, and to the West End and Ardmore neighborhoods and Miller Park.  

Snow in the Artivity park

Snow on bridgeLong Branch Trail signSnow on church stepssnow at the bar

The photos we captured were magical!  The many layers of falling snowflakes provided depth to each image, transforming them into wintery pieces of art.  

snow on city streetssnow on streets and buildingsCity view of buildingssnow on building

Downtown was mostly deserted except for a few cars, city buses, and people walking down the street.

snow on brick buildingdog's head out of car window

Snow days are my favorite.  The quiet falling snow creates so much peace.  It is a gentle reminder to slow down and relax during our bustling lives.  A time to enjoy a hot cup of chocolate and watch the snowflakes accumulate outside.  I always appreciate these delicate snow storms that bring calm for just a little while.

hot chocolate with marshmallowscat looking out window

Soon enough the sun does come out again, shining brightly on the reflective snow and the morning rays settle their golden cast on everything it can reach.  The warmth begins to melt the layers of powder and just like that, the peaceful snow day is soon just a memory.


ARTivity on the Green Park

The Tap West End

Long Branch Trail

Miller Park

Bailey Power Plant

  1. Wow 😲 those are some incredible photos! I feel like I was there just looking at them. Beautiful buildings

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